Monday, September 29, 2008

Surprise Babies

Darin and I have decided to become foster parents 4 month old boy/girl twins were placed with us. This is a "long term" foster placement. There is some possibility that these babies will become available for adoption but for now, for our own sanity, we are viewing this as a foster placement only.

The babies names are Peytine (girl - pronounced Pay-ton) and Elijah (boy). They were born May 7th of this year so are almost 5 months old. They were born premature at almost 35 weeks and are very healthy and developmentally on target but a little small compared to a full term 5 month old.

We found a zip lock bag with several professionally taken photos of the babies in their diaper bag so it's nice to have a pictoral history of them. I scanned in a few of the photos for your viewing pleasure. Also - we took a few pictures tonight and they are below as well.

We'll share more as things progress but wanted to get this update out tonight for those of you that are anxiously awaiting pictures.

They are fairly close to newborn in this photo:

Here is Elijah:

And Peytine:

These are fairly recent pictures of the two of them together:

Here is a picture of Darin and Elijah in one of those happy full baby tummy moments!

Here is Peytine after she finally fell asleep in the Moby Wrap:

And here is one of me with both of them - you can tell that Elijah is a bit bigger than Peytine:


Unknown said...

Happy Happy Joy Joy!! The babies are just precious...sending big hugs & lots of kisses from Aunti Kim!

Lisa said...

Yeah!! A house full of baby smooches again. It'll be good for your soul! I'm exhausted thinking about it, but I know you two can handle 2 babies at once. I can't wait to meet them.

Unknown said...

Nothing like going from 0 to 60! I'm happy for you two! Enjoy!

Ash Malone said...

Hey!! I found your blog through Lisa...sorry for snooping!! =) Just wanted to say CONGRATS on getting these two beautiful babies to be foster parents to. Enjoy them, and love them..which I'm sure you'll do! They are soooo cute!! Just wanted to say hi, it's been ages since I've seen you!!! Hope all is well with you guys!

Anna said...

Wonderful news -- especially for Peytine and Elijah!! They look to be about the size of our little beauty-- 12.5 lbs now. Wishing you the best with them, and glad to know some specifics on what to pray for you!!! ~Anna

djyuds said...

You guys sure are good at popping surprises on your friends, I'll give you that! How absolutely wonderfully exciting! And they are so, SO precious. THANK YOU for sharing the pictures right away; we wouldn't have been able to stand it without them. Are you still planning a trip this direction on October? Please? I hope so?

Randy and Amy said...

oooooh! I'm so happy for you! Your future holds busy days, but look at what you get to hold!!! How exciting.

Donna and Jim said...

Congratulations! Those babies are truly lucky to have you in their life!

Mimi/Susan said...

Fantastic!. Hope it is long term, as in 18 years.