Monday, September 15, 2008


Sometimes life gives you lemons but what I've learned is that they make the sweetest lemonade if you can find the courage to squeeze the sweetness out of the experience.

My dear cousin Christina passed away on Friday after a very courageous 2 and a half year battle with cancer. She was only 24. In spite of what might seem like a tragedy of a life cut short, she was an amazing example to all of us. Her spirit of acceptance was really remarkable - she definitely made lemonade out of the lemons she was handed and was a beautiful person inside and out. We will miss her but our lives have been enrinched by having seen her sweet smile and the sparkle in her eyes, for having felt her kind, courageous spirit and known the warmth of her love. Please keep her sweet husband Kerry and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Here is a photo of Kerry & Christina and their dogs from their Christmas card last year.

I received the news of her death on my way to Seattle on Friday to participate in the Alex's Lemonade Stand cancer fundraiser that my company does every year. This year we lucked out and our Seattle office was able to put up our stand in front of Whole Foods on Westlake Avenue. They donated Organic Lemonade for us and gave us a great location. Alex's Lemonade Stand is a non-profit organization that raises money to fight childhood cancers. Alex was a little girl that was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 4 and decided to have a lemonade stand to raise money to find a cure for cancer. Before she died at the age of 8 she had raised over $1 million with her lemonade stand. You can donate to our team's fundraising effort at this link. Our goal is to raise $4000 - so far we are just over the $1000 mark with over $600 of that made on Friday selling lemonade.

Our team was very moved by the news of Christina's passing that very morning and everyone inspired to dedicate our efforts that day to Christina. Thanks Seattle XO team - your extra efforts were definitely noticed.

This year Darin built us a stand to use - it turned out great! The best part is it breaks down and is easily storable so we can use it every year when we do our fundraiser.

Here is a photo of our stand with some of the Seattle XO office team.

So - when life hands you lemons...make lemonade.


Sandra Ramey said...

Well, Jean, you said it and we felt it! Thanks! The stand Darin made is great too!

djyuds said...

I'm sorry about your cousin, Jean. Such a young life cut off way too early as far as we can understand it, but what a wonderful testimony that she left nice, sweet lemonade behind and not sour lemons.

Unknown said...

mmmmmmm, won't dwell on Alex's lemonade stand too long, lest I get teary tired . . . you'd understand. wonderful efforts of all!