Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Adoption Fundraiser Garage Sale

We are having an adoption fundraiser garage sale on Saturday, September 20th from 9 AM - 4 PM. For those of you that live nearby this is a golden opportunity for you to get rid of some of the "stuff" you have been saving! We will gladly accept any donations you have of saleable items.

We wouldn't normally ask for assistance in our attempts to have a family however, our two failed adoption attempts have drained a chunk of our savings and we decided to try some creative fundraising techniques in the hopes of reducing the amount of time we have to wait before trying again. We need to have at least $10,000 set aside for legal costs and travel (in addition to the $12,000 we have already paid our adoption agency for their fees). Also, neither of us get paid leave for adoption so that adds to the savings needed if we want to have time off with any new additions. I know it seems like a lot of money but really, this is comparable to the costs for a hospital birth - it just isn't covered by health insurance!

We are also researching any possible adoption grants that we might be eligible for - the first one we tried turned us down unfortunately! Our goal is to be ready by the middle of October to give our adoption agency the green light to look for another placement.

We have appreciated so much all of the support and encouragement we have received from our friends and family on our adoption journey and will certainly keep posting updates as they come along.

1 comment:

{k} said...

We are pulling for you as hard as we can! Blair has a jeep that maybe would be good on a yard sale...err, maybe he wouldn't think that, though. ;) Thanks for the updates!