Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year

A Very Happy New Year to everyone!

Just when all of our snow had finally melted away (actually - we still had a small pile at the end of the driveway) we had another small snow storm last night and got about 5 inches! It is mostly melted away already thankfully and we are supposed to have rain for the next several days - much more normal northwest weather!

Leah and Chelsea came and spent a few days with us between Christmas and New Years. They were a FABULOUS help with the babies! Here is a photo of them busy with their other favorite pastime.

One morning we decided to feed the babies with just their diapers on in an effort to conserve on was still a mess especially when they decided to fight over the newspaper! Here are a few pics of their first newspaper "reading".

We had a wonderful New Year's Eve celebration at Suzette's place .... unfortunately I was lame and didn't take any photos. Peytine was awake to ring in the New Year with an upset tummy and Elijah woke up with the fire works so we started off the year consoling tired, crying babies - but otherwise had a really great time with Reece and Linda, Suzette, Dave & Sheryl and all of the kiddos. We slept in on New Year's day (or at least I did - thanks Darin!) and spent a nice relaxed day hanging out with Suzette in front of the fire.

Then to top it all off - Saturday, Darin let me sleep until 10:30 AM. It was SOOOOOO wonderful!!

I went back to work today - it was actually kind of nice to be back in the groove of having a schedule again.


Donna and Jim said...

Happy New Year to you too! I can't believe you said that thankfully it will rain the next few days. Well, I guess thats better than snow. We've had a few days rain here this week and its so depressing.

djyuds said...

Keep the pictures of those little darlings coming...we really can't get too many of them!

Unknown said...

Love checking out your blog and seeing your latest pics

Mochas, Mountains and Moby Wraps said...

Love the newspaper pics! I can't believe how much they've grown since we saw you at gosp mtg!!