Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Let it Snow!

I've lived in Washington 34 of my 38 years and don't remember seeing this much snow on the west side of the state EVER! (I'm told that there was more than this once when I was a toddler but that was a long time ago!) We've had snow on the ground for 10+ days now - very unusual for these parts.

Here are some photos of the fun:

Our house with the snowman Darin built for us:

Our gate & fence - I love how the snow piled up:

Our Street - we got 6 - 8 more inches after this photo was taken:

Family - Thanks Keith and Jessie for being our photographers!

Mommy & Babies:

Not snow pics but had to share...

Daddy & Peytine - Thanks Auntie Megan for the cute outfit!

Watson and Elijah hanging out:


Shirley said...

Great pictures...again! I'd like to get a family photo in the snow if I could find someone to take it for us...otherwise would have to mess around with a tripod...and set the camera on self-timer, etc.

I'd never thought snow could be boring, but that's the way I'm starting to feel now that it's been over a week! (Need to go skiing or something!)

djyuds said...

Ohhhhhh, I LOVE the family picture! Well I love them all, but that one most especially. I sat here looking at it and wishing (again) that we lived closer to you guys than we do. :-(