Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Some of you know that my Dad has recently been diagnosed with esophageal cancer and many have asked for updates so I thought I would post a quick one here.

Dad was officially diagnosed with adenocarcinoma on February 22nd. He had been steadily losing weight (close to 60 pounds at this point) and was having difficulty swallowing and lots of nausea and pain after eating. Because of his symptoms we were all very worried that the cancer was fairly advanced. However, most of the pain was from an ulcer and as that has been treated he has improved significantly.

We got the update last Friday that his PET scan was negative which means the cancer has not spread anywhere else. The spot he has in his esophagus is stage 1 and very treatable.

Dad will have a consult with the surgeon this week to determine if surgery is too risky. If surgery isn't an option they will do a combination of chemotherapy and radiation.

I am spending the week with Mom and Dad in Spokane and am enjoying my evenings with them. My company has an office in Spokane so I am able to visit without taking time off work.

Just this for now. Mom also sends out regular updates about Dad's status so if any of you want to be added to that list just add a comment to this post and I will send your contact info to Mom.


Traci K said...

Hi Jean (& Darin)! Found your blog while "blog hopping". I've been getting the updates from your Mom and we're so glad to hear the cancer hasn't spread! So happy to hear the news of 2 little girls coming soon! We'll link you so we can keep up with both your Dad and your parenting adventures! Come see us at www.k4blogspot.blogspot.com.--Mike, Traci, Justin and Jarin

Shirley said...

We'd also like updates. Thanks! Shirley